Spread the word
There are many ways to support Ukraine – and donation is just one of them.
Spread the word, post in social media, or influence authorities directly. And if you have a unique idea of cooperation, contact us!
Digital UA Soldiers I
We have been supporting Ukraine since 2014, and we continuously create new initiatives to increase donations. The newest one is DIGITAL UA SOLDIERS. On this platform, your support transforms into digital soldiers standing on the map of Ukraine and defending a chosen location. The funds collected become real, targeted assistance for Ukrainian soldiers fighting on the front lines. Support the initiative – download and distribute posters and flyers, spread the word online with materials we have prepared. You can download them here.

Digital UA Soldiers II

Ukraine's Victory Day I
Recurring horrifying scenes from the Ukrainian front have desensitized people: images of bodies lying in the streets, destroyed buildings, and photographs of injured soldiers appear and disappear in the news feed, no longer capturing attention. Instead of showcasing difficulties and cruelty, we have decided to look at the brighter side of war – its end. We asked artificial intelligence to imagine Ukraine's victory: generated images showed Ukrainians celebrating in the streets, President Zelensky smiling triumphantly, and the russian dictator captured. You can contribute to making this day dawn as soon as possible. Share campaign visuals – you can download them here.

Ukraine's Victory Day II